PackControl helps you manage all your reusable packaging in easy to understand modules.

Choose the package that works best for you


Replace your packaging spreadsheets with a single, easy-to-use system

  • Manually register reusable packaging transfers
  • Register all counterparties, locations and products
  • 3 pre-defined reports
  • Startup template for an easy start

€ 79 /month


Keep track of all reusable packaging items and transfers

  • Everything in Basic, plus..
  • (Automatic) import of transfers
  • (Automated) e-mailing of reports
  • Counterpart portal with transfers and dashboard
  • Unlimited number portal of users

€ 149 /month


Realtime reconciliation of transactions and balances with counterparties

  • Everything in Balances, plus..
  • Direct reconciliation of transfers and balances with counterparties
  • Report, coordinate and solve disputes
  • Automate responsibilities and agreements per carrier
  • Use your company branding on reports and Counterpart Portal

€ 449 /month


Match & manage transactions of pooling operators

  • Everything in Concord, plus..
  • Automate all business rules and agreements
  • Transfer & balance reconciliation with counterparties
  • Import pool operator transfers
  • Manage deviations through matching
  • Easily connect with other systems (e.g. MS Power BI)

€ 749 /month


Add advanced features to complete your packaging registration

  • Everything in Pooling, plus..
  • Advanced transfer processing
  • Full rent-out module
  • Transport transfers & Trip management
  • Automated reconciliation extra
  • Asset tracking
  • Advanced user roles and settings
  • Price depending on modules used

Prices in euro are leading, other currencies are indicative. Dutch VAT / btw (21%) is not included in the prices above.

View all PackControl features per module
    Basic Plus Enterprise
Manual data-entry
Pre-defined reports & automated mail options
Dataloader: import and export data (see for exceptions)
Import and export data
Master Packaging List
Value mapping
Journal search
User profiles / access security
Maximum data storage (see for details)
Active users (see for exceptions)
API links
Customize reports
Automated mailing of reports
Counterpart Portal
Transfer stage editing (see for details)
Upload documents
Balance Lock Date
Claim Resolution
Responsibility Rules
Sandbox for training and testing
Register single-use packaging
Automated reconciliation (Standard)
Automate rules, agreements and exceptions
Tracking Rules
Inventory Items (single use)
Rental contract management
Rent out module
Automated reconciliation (Extra)
Advanced user roles and settings
Advanced Transfer Processing
Individual item and asset tracking
Workflow templates
Transport Transfers and Trip management
Manual data-entry
Pre-defined reports & automated mail options
Dataloader: import and export data (see for exceptions)
Import and export data
Master Packaging List
Value mapping
Journal search
User profiles / access security
Maximum data storage (see for details)
Active users (see for exceptions)
API links
Customize reports
Automated mailing of reports
Counterpart Portal
Transfer stage editing (see for details)
Upload documents
Balance Lock Date
Claim Resolution
Responsibility Rules
Sandbox for training and testing
Register single-use packaging
Automated reconciliation (Standard)
Automate rules, agreements and exceptions
Tracking Rules
Inventory Items (single use)
Rental contract management
Rent out module
Automated reconciliation (Extra)
Advanced user roles and settings
Advanced Transfer Processing
Individual item and asset tracking
Workflow templates
Transport Transfers and Trip management

In PackControl you can easily add all necessary data for accurate packaging registration:

  • Counterparties (customers, suppliers, carriers)
  • Packaging items
  • Your own and external locations
  • Employees
  • Packaging transactions / transfers

Do you want to get started quickly with PackControl? You do not have to enter all data at once. Just start with the basics and expand or supplement later. 

If you want to automate the process, you can skip the manual input and import your data directly into PackControl Balances, Concord, Pooling and Enterprise.

In PackControl Basic you have three predefined reports at your disposal. These will help you communicate balances with your counterparties and will make it easier to keep your figures correct and up-to-date. 

Standard overviews include:

  • All accounts by location and packaging item
  • All packaging items by account and location

PackControl Balances, Concord, Pooling and Enterprise offer you further possibilities to draw up your own bespoke reports and use additional analytical functions. Automated mailing options make it easy to share these with your counterparties. 


Import any exported csv data file in PackControl. Bridge naming differences with field mapping and benefit from precise insert, update and upsert control. Handles many common business scenarios using a standard tool.

Save once, reuse indefinitely. You can also automate integration with your existing business systems by reusing Dataloader tasks in the API. See blog post on integrating with PackControl.

Prebuilt templates

Use our prebuilt Starter Template import to get set up quickly.

Use our prebuilt Transaction Template (Not available in the basic module) for robust integration with existing business systems (ERP/TMS/WMS/Custom) with built-in ability to handle multiple identifiers per counterparty, location and product. When transfers are rejected they can be easily reviewed and fixed in the import buffer before resubmitting.

All major pooling companies

Pre-built import definitions are available for all major pooling companies such as IFCO, CHEP, EPS, RFH (Royal FloraHolland), etc.

  • PackControl Balance: 1 pre-built rental pool operator specific import definition included.
  • PackControl Concord: 2 pre-built rental pool operator specific import definitions included.
  • PackControl Pooling: All existing rental pool operator import definitions included.

Additional industry-specific import definitions can be implemented upon request. Prices will vary with complexity. Cost could be lower than you think due to our standardized methodology.

API integration

Depending on your existing systems and needs, API integration can offer more flexibility and power. Our consultants will be happy to discuss your situation.

All Import definitions use the upsert methodology combined with value mapping

Upsert: A combination of inserting and updating. If a record in your import file matches an existing record, the existing record is updated with the values in your file. If no match is found, a new record is created (inserted).

Value mapping: See Value Mapping feature

Import and export

  • your own company data
  • counterparty data (clients, suppliers, carriers)
  • packaging items
  • locations
  • employees (users)
  • transfers / transactions (starting from PackControl Balances)

Manual data entry is an option as well. 

Enter or import as many locations as needed. These can include both your own business locations and third party locations, both nationally and internationally. All location data can be exported completely. 

The same goes for packaging items: enter or import as many (returnable) packaging items as needed. A predefined Master Packaging List of standard packaging items is available in our software. Items can be cloned and used to define your own unique packaging items. See details under Products Extra in the feature list for additional information about the possibilities of adding packaging items and services. All product data can be exported. 

Depending on the PackControl package you use, other variables can be imported as well. The number of active employees (users) can be limited. For more information about the number of active users, user profiles and security access, please check Add active users and User profiles / access security in this features list.  

From PackControl Balances you can import transfers from your ERP, WMS, TMS and other internal systems.

The Master Packaging List currently includes over 200 items and new (pooling) items are added regularly. Standard items in this list can be cloned and adapted for use in your own administration or you can enter your own unique packaging items in your administration.

Pre-filled standard properties in the master list items make it easier to start up your own administration. GTIN numbers (formerly EAN codes) have been added to streamline data exchange with other software packages (incl. ERP, TMS, WMS).

Value mapping is an important feature within the Dataloader.

When you start integrating data from different sources, there will always be naming differences in the variables. This will happen e.g. when company names, product denominations or other values are abbreviated or written in a different way. These differences are automatically mapped out via value mapping.

New source values are matched using AI-like logic. With our user-friendly matching interface you can easily confirm the correct matches. Once confirmed, the value mapping is applied automatically in future imports.

PackControl offers a comprehensive search function to look up specific transfers. 

In PackControl Basic, Balances and PackControl Concord you can select from a number of predefined user profiles, including Administrator, Standard User, Read Only. In PackControl Pooling and Enterprise additional personalised user profiles can be defined. 

  • PackControl Basic: 1 GB
  • PackControl Balance: 1 GB
  • PackControl Concord: 10 GB
  • PackControl Pooling: 100 GB
  • PackControl Basic: 1 active user
  • PackControl Balances: 1 active user
  • PackControl Concord: max. 5 active users
  • PackControl Pooling: max. 25 active users

API links can be created between PackControl and other administrative software. Please note that consultancy support needed to create the links is not included in the price. Contact us for additional information about prices and possibilities. 

Customize your report layouts, merge and rearrange information, add your logo and corporate colours, etc. 

Easily create and exchange balance overviews and (management)reports with your colleagues and counterparties. Automatically share them by using email templates.

in the Counterpart Portal your counterparties (customers, suppliers, carriers) can easily view and (depending on your package) approve transfers. You can easily issue login credentials to any counterparty.

PackControl Balances offers limited information and features, for viewing only.  

Additional features in Counterpart Portal for PackControl Concord, Pooling and Enterprise:

  • Instant reconciliation of transactions and balances
  • Register, coordinate and resolve disputes at transfer line level, all in one place, for you and your counterparties

In PackControl Basic, Balances and Concord you cannot work real-time. The transfer status cannot be edited and is automatically set to Completed. You can enter or import transfers after completion; they can then still be modified if necessary. 

In PackControl Pooling and Enterprise each transfer can be allocated different Transfer Stages to record collection and issuing of packaging in real time (the physical work process). In these packages, transfers can be registered before they are physically executed, by allocating different stages, for example: Requested, Released or Planned. 

Drivers or loading dock employees can open transfers (In Process) and complete them, after which they can set the transfer stage to Completed for further administrative processing and checking.

Upload documents (e.g. pdf, photos, etc.) and link them to transfers, accounts, rental contracts and cases. 

Lock account balances for selected accounts to prevent them from being changed up to and including the specified date.

Example: you and your counterparties have agreed the outstanding balances as per 31 March, so you lock these balances up to and including that date. Transfers completed before or on 31 March which have not yet been confirmed, are automatically marked Confirmed and balances can no longer be edited. Any adjustments to account balances after March 31 must be entered as new transfers.

In the Cases module you can handle claims from counterparties as well as the claims you submit to others (e.g. pooling companies). Link each claim to the transfer it relates to, manage its progress and add documents or photos. Counterparties can submit their claims in the usual way (e.g. via e-mail or telephone), but also via the Counterpart Portal.

As a general rule, when you collect or issue packaging you build up a balance with your supplier or customer. In the Responsibility Rules you record purchase and sales agreements with customers, suppliers and carriers that deviate from this standard rule. When collecting or issuing reusable packaging, the Responsibility Rule you entered ensures that the transfer is automatically processed correctly in PackControl and a balance is built up with the correct counterparty (e.g. the carrier). These kinds of deviating agreements often occur with parties that work with e.g. euro pallets and CC carts.

A sandbox is a copy of the user administration which can be used as a testing or training environment (basically 'to play around in'). 

Use your own logo in PackControl for counterpart purposes and the Counterpart Portal. 

PackControl lets you manage all reusable and single-use packaging items. It is also suitable for  related products and services. These are a few examples:

  • You can enter single-use packaging items and record their balances at your own locations by using the Inventory Items feature.
  • You can register Service transactions. For example: A carrier charges you an amount per returned pallet when exchanging euro pallets at a loading / unloading address. In PackControl you can register these service costs per transaction and export them to your financial software.

Reconciliation Standard

Automatically import and process balance overviews from counterparties and pool operators. 

Balance overviews in a variety of formats (e.g. .pdf, .xlsx, .csv) are automatically imported into your system and reconciliated with your own administration. Discrepancies are flagged for your immediate attention. 


When renting items from a pooling company (e.g. IFCO, CHEP, EPS) physical transfers of items to counterparties usually have to be passed on to the pooling company. They then process the transfers and adjust your rental balance or credits to the amount of items you can still collect or transfer.

Checking whether the pooling company has correctly processed all your (counterparties') transfers can be time consuming. Via Automatic matching you can easily match pooling companies’ transactions with the transfers you entered in PackContol. Unprocessed or incorrectly processed transactions will automatically become visible.


Set Balance Rules for accounts, carriers and locations specifying the minimum and maximum quantities or values of packaging they may or must have in stock. These rules can trigger notifications or entry limitations and can be included in analytics. 

Specify Effective Date Rules to manage the number of delay days agreed for transfers to counterparties who are members of a packaging pool (e.g. CHEP pallets, CBL crates, Loscam pallets, etc.).  

The effective date offset, or delay days, represent the number of days which elapse between the physical receipt of the items by your counterparty and the date they are credited to your pooling account. The Effective Date Rules provide a continuous insight in the quantity of items currently in this intermediate phase. 

Set Tracking Rules to specify the circumstances under which a certain balance build-up applies. E.g. calculate the balance with the pooling operator, a central counterparty location or no balance at all. 

Easily manage pooled RTI by setting Pooling Rules in PackControl. Use standard or personalized rules regarding transfer balance and deposit settlement of pooling packaging. Specify and customize rules exactly to the agreed specs. 

Example 1: Delivery of CBL crates (or other pooled RTI with a fixed rental quantity) to a retailer with credits. Transfers can be booked automatically into your account with the pooling operator. In this case effective date rules can also be applied. 

Example 2: Delivery of pooled RTI (e.g. EPS crates) to a food processing company. Balances are not posted with the counterparty or a pooling operator. In this case deposits will be cleared with the pooling operator. 

As a standard, when processing a transfer of reusable packaging, you build up a balance with the location of the counterparty. In some situations you may want to register the packaging transaction without building up a balance with the relevant counterparty location. Instead you may require:

  • To build up a balance with the pooling company (credits), or,
  • Build up a balance with the account, but not for a specific location, or,
  • No balance build-up with the counterparty (the work process is comparable to one-off items or services).

Tracking Rules allow you to set the circumstances under which a certain balance build-up applies.

Items (e.g. single-use (packaging) items, but not services) can be marked as inventory items, which means a balance is recorded for your own location(s). 

Record and manage rental contracts with pooling service providers such as CHEP, IFCO, etcetera. The quantities per item which are entered with the rental contracts, form the basis for the calculations in the Packaging Statement: quantities rented vs quantities registered at Own locations, Account locations and Pooling locations. 

Easily manage the reusable packaging you rent out to others, whether professionally or in case of surplus stock during low-season.

Automate pricing rules and agreements. Prices you have agreed with counterparties regarding the settlement of costs or deposits can be easily registered and automated in PackControl.

Once specified, the rule will be automatically applied to all relevant transactions to calculate rents and/or deposits. The journal lines can then be imported into your financial system for invoicing.

Reconciliation Extra

Automatically import and process balance overviews (transactions) of counterparties and pool operators and reconcile those with your own registered transfers. Also, import financial transactions from your own bookkeeping systems and reconcile these with the deposit bookings in PackControl. 

This module works like Reconciliation Standard, but adds extra counterparties and pool operators for the balance reconciliation and the financial reconciliation feature is extra.  

If Reconciliation Extra is added, Reconciliation Standard is no longer applicable.

Set up user permissions for specific tasks or screens using Roles. Define entity, action, and transfer stage permissions effortlessly. By establishing clear authorizations, you can prevent unauthorized data alterations and ensure that colleagues have access to the precise information they need to review or input.

With Advanced Transfer Processing you can create your own process steps for multiple work processes in your administration. E.g. for intakes, issues, inventory counts, etc..

Import Advanced Shipping Notices (ASN) to create insights in expected quantities and actual (counted) quantities. 

Use the following pré-defined forms for easy processing of your reusable packaging transfers: 

  • Check-in form
  • RTI receipt form / count form
  • Recount form
  • Check-out form
  • Inventory Count form
  • Claim form

Register each item individually to keep track and control availability, losses and costs.

Connect your items to trackers (GPS, LoRaWAN, RFID, etc.), QR codes or (GRAI) barcodes to add extra functionality and improve traceability.

PackControl can connect with any tracker service provider.

Create your own workflow templates to automate recurring workflows and processes in PackControl.

The Transport and Trip management module has been developed for transport companies and production companies with their own trucks / lorries.

Transport transfers deal with the loading/unloading at the 'From' location and with the loading/unloading at the 'To' location. Responsibility rules can be applied per leg of a transfer.

With Trip management you can verify if all the transfers in a (round) trip of a truck have been processed correctly. Any corrections or additions can be made immediately upon trip verification.