PackControl packaging software capabilities

Setting up a proper reusable packaging registration system in PackControl will bring you much more than just a list of transactions. Take control of your packaging management. It's easier than ever. Have a look at the benefits below and find out what PackControl can do for you!

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Work smarter and faster

Automating your packaging registration is the key to staying in full control of your reusable packaging. You'll make fewer mistakes and be done quicker. 

Start simple and let PackControl grow along
Maybe all you need is a replacement for your spreadsheets. No problem. In PackControl, you can easily start with the very basics. And if you want more later on, PackControl will grow along with you. 
Keep working in your own, unique way

Keep working the way you're used to. Shape PackControl around your business processes. As the world of logistics can be very complex, with lots of agreements that deviate from the standard, we have made sure you can adapt settings as much as you need without making it complex.

Choose the PackControl module that fits your business

PackControl has been developed with your business in mind. Whether you just want to replace your error-sensitive spreadsheets or want a fully automated reusable packaging system, we offer the right solution for you.

Find information on pricing and features on our Products page

Analyse data and share your insights
PackControl stores all information with regard to your packaging registration in one system. You can easily retrieve information for (management) reporting.
Minimize manual input
Yes, you can still enter data manually in PackControl. If you like. But why should you, if PackControl can do it for you? Make less mistakes and finish work way earlier. We're sure you'll like it.
Automate agreements made with counterparties and pool operators

Looking up, checking and manually applying agreements and special arrangements with counterparties and pool operators takes a lot of time. Use the PackControl business rules to apply all agreements consistently to the transactions.

Easily setup PackControl and get started quickly

Our user-friendly, automated implementation process makes it easy for you to set up your reusable packaging registration in PackControl. And that's not all: we'll help you get started, as we understand setting up a new software system is not something you do every day. 

Give PackControl your own look & feel by using your own branding

Personalise PackControl in many ways. Add your own logo and corporate colours and make your packaging registration system look like it's your own. 

Rent out reusable packaging in a professional manner

Whether you want to rent out unused packaging items, or make your business out of packaging pooling or rental, PackControl is the professional software solution to automate your pricing and processes. 

Automatically match transactions and balances with those of counterparties and pooling operators
Is it possible to automatically match your transfers and balances with the overviews your counterparties and pool operators send you? Yes, it is!
Keep track of individual items and assets
Make sure your reusable transport items are properly registered to reduce losses and costs.

Replace spreadsheets with a single packaging management system

Forget spreadsheets. Use PackControl reusable packaging registration software to automate data import, processing and reconciliation. Link internal and external data sources and administrative systems. Minimize the amount of (manual) processing and take control of your reusable packaging.



Manage your reusable packaging items

Use PackControl packaging management software to register and properly manage all returnable and reusable packaging. Your own packaging and pooling packaging (EPS, IFCO, CHEP, LPR, IPP, etc.) but also returnable packaging owned by your suppliers, customers or carriers.

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Process packaging transactions automatically or manually

Although automated imports are quicker and lead to fewer errors, you can still choose to manually enter transactions. The screen 'New Transfer' will guide you through the input process.

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Manage customers, suppliers and carriers and link your systems

Import or manually enter customers, suppliers and carriers and automate the way you deal with them. Standard rules as well as special arrangements can be applied, altered, amended and automated. Active links between your management software systems  (ERP, CRM, WMS, TMS) and PackControl ensures equal data across systems.


Monitor and control internal & external locations of reusable packaging

Efficient and cost-effective registration and management of quantities and values of reusable packaging at your own (internal) locations and those at the location(s) of your suppliers, customers and carriers.


Specify and customize business rules

Specify and customize business rules exactly as agreed with your counterparties. Transfer bookings and balances will be created accordingly. Which rules have been applied is easily visible in the transfer. 

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Create reports for colleagues and counterparties

Make sure everyone involved gets the right information, at the right time. Use Custom Reports to share management or transaction data with colleagues, management or counterparties.

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Start simple with just the basics

Basically, a packaging transaction consists of only 5 elements: 

  • Transaction date
  • Counterparty
  • Packaging type
  • Number of items
  • Document or reference number

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The overview only consists of 4 elements: 

  • The opening balance for the period
  • All transactions within the chosen period
  • The subtotal of transactions
  • The final balance for the period

Many companies keep this information in spreadsheets. When using the PackControl Basic module you can finish faster, make fewer mistakes and let a colleague take over when you're not there.  

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Let your system grow along and adapt when you want to

  • Easily upgrade or downgrade to a different PackControl module with the features you need. 
  • Easily adapt your registration and administration to changing busines needs and processes. 

A solution for any business

PackControl offers the most complete set of features to automate and control your reusable packaging administration. Our list of features keeps growing.

Are you unsure which set of features would suit your administrative processes? Feel free to contact us and discuss the possibilities. 

Maintain your own administrative processes for reusable packaging

PackControl has been designed to support your way of working. Whether you need to comply to internal administrative rules, or with counterparty and pooling operators’ demands, you can set up your reusable packaging administration in your own unique way.

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Create journal lines, like a proper financial system

Like financial software completed or checked transfers will generate journal lines. These are then used to calculate balances and deposit amounts. Unfinalized transfers (i.e. not checked or completed) do not affect balances or deposits. You can set business rules to apply deviating counterparty agreements to relevant bookings, or use standard settings to create balances and deposits where applicable.

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Keep it simple – preset PackControl in the way your organisation works

Configure default Organisation Settings to organise the way your returnable packaging system works and make bespoke settings for individual counterparties like suppliers, pooling operators, customers and carriers to reflect specific rules and agreements. 

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Give everyone the access they need

Not every colleague needs full access to every option and not every colleague needs to be able to do everything within your reusable packaging administration.

In PackControl you can setup user profiles with combinations of:

  • Entity permissions
  • Action permissions
  • Stage permissions
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Create personalized menu's

Create one or more personalized menu's for example to distinguish features you and your colleagues use every day from the features that are only needed occasionally.

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PackControl Basic - replace spreadsheets, eliminate mistakes

  • Manual registration of your packaging transactions
  • 3 basic reports
  • Startup template for an easy start

For prices and further info, take a look at our Products page

PackControl Balances - automate your input

All the features of the PackControl Basic module are included, plus:

- Minimize your manual input by automatically importing transfers from other systems (e.g., your ERP, WMS, TMS or financial system). 

- Email your PDF or Excel reports to your counterparties and/or give them acces to the counterpart portal.

- Let your counterparties view and check their transfers in the Counterpart Portal. The number of counterparty logins is unlimited although there is a limitation of 1 login per counterparty.

Find all information and prices on our Products page

PackControl Concord – automated responsibility processing and reconciliation of transfers

All the features of the PackControl Balance module are included, plus:

- Direct, realtime reconciliation of reusable packaging transactions and balances with counterparties.

- Easily register and process claims and disputes.

- Automatically apply responsibility rules and special agreements.

- Personalise your PackControl work environment and reports with your company branding.

- Create a sandbox (= a copy of your packaging administration) and use it for training and testing.

Find all information and prices on our Products page


Set Responsibility Rules

Responsibility is automatically assigned to the 'To' account, the recipient of the reusable packaging. However, in some cases you may want to assign responsibility to the carrier. This often occurs when using Euro pallets (EPAL) or CC Tag5 trolleys (Container Centralen), but may also apply to other items. In PackControl Concord, you can easily set up such deviating responsibility rules. 

PackControl Pooling – automate pooling packaging registration processes

All the features of the PackControl Concord module are included, plus:

- Import and match transactions of pool operators.

- Manage deviations between your transactions and the transactions that are processed by the pool operator.

- Automatically apply all possible business rules and agreements. See for more information the tab: Automate agreements made with counterparties and pool operators.

- Rent-out module.

- Use the API Explorer to set up automated links with other systems like the business intelligence software MS Power BI.

- Keep track of individual items and assets.

Find all information and prices on our Products page

Take a look at all our products and pricing

Take a look at our Products page and discover the PackControl software packages.

If you can't decide, or have questions about the best solution for your situation, feel free to contact us to discuss your options.

Insight in reusable or returnable packaging by location

View and manage returnable packaging items by location. Easily manage multiple locations and share data with relevant parties, whether internal or external.

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Insight in reusable or returnable packaging by account 

View data and manage reusable packaging items per counterparty account. Counterparties can include suppliers, customers, carriers and pool operators.

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Insight in specific returnable packaging items 

Get a grip on your use and the whereabouts of specific items by viewing and managing data per reusable packaging item.


Individual registration of returnable packaging items

Register and track items by use of trackers (GPS, LoRaWAN, RFID), QR-codes or (GRAI) barcodes. Link individual items to the tracking devices or QR-codes you have attached to the item.


Share your insights

Easily create and exchange balance overviews and (management)reports with your colleagues and counterparties.

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Easily plan and automate imports of files and data

Schedule imports of files and data from both your own systems and those of your counterparties by setting up the user-friendly PackControl Loader Tasks. The easy-to-use PackControl Loader Tasks will guide you through the process. Once set up, imports will run at the times you scheduled.

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Use the API to exchange data with your management software (ERP, CRM, WMS, TMS, etc.)

Automatically import data from your ERP, CRM, Warehouse Management System (WMS) or Transport Management System (TMS) through PackControl's user-friendly API.

Easily export data via an API connection to business intelligence software solutions like Power BI. The PackControl API Explorer is available in every screen. Quickly create the code you need to connect your reusable packaging administration with the Power BI analytical software.

Anyone with the appropriate user rights can set up a Power BI API link, even if you don’t have any knowledge about such links. Once set up, each time you press 'refresh data' in Power BI, the relevant data will be updated in Power BI. You can analyse and interpret your reusable packaging data in a way that suits your management reporting and decision-making.

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Define imports to fit your returnable packaging system

Define exactly which data you want to be imported, from which systems. PackControl gives you the flexibility to make your own choices, so you keep a firm grip on your reusable packaging system.

Pre-processing to optimize data-exchange between systems

Pre-processing involves cleaning, transforming and preparing data to ensure they are accurate, compatible and usable in PackControl.

This user-friendly system optimizes the import process. Before importing transactions, you can alter and adjust data in an automated way, so that they correspond and fit your returnable packaging registration system.

Easily identify and check incomplete or failed transaction imports

If transaction data are missing or registration fails, a transaction is placed in the Import Buffer. This makes it easy to spot which information you need to check. You can make necessary changes, or act upon deviations.


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Stay in control of all reusable packaging data, even if they are inconsistent

Data entry can vary across different systems, leading to inconsistencies, e.g. in how company names and addresses are recorded. While in one system you may have used abbreviations, another may contain the full names for the same clients.

PackControl Value Mapping gives you complete control over your data, enabling you to effectively match inconsistently registered data and avoid any duplications or unexpected variations.

Effortlessly harmonizing data from different sources

If PackControl detects irregularities, these are flagged and a data mapping proposal is generated. Data mapping is an automized way to eliminate differences between data in multiple systems.

With just a simple click, you can execute the proposed mapping, ensuring that linked data is seamlessly integrated with each subsequent data import. This streamlined approach enhances efficiency and accuracy in data handling.


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Automatically apply standard and customized rules

Using returnable packaging in your supply chain, you'll have your own distinct set of regulations and agreements with counterparties and pool operators. This is what sets your packaging management apart.

Within PackControl, all of these unique aspects can be seamlessly organized using the various sets of PackControl business rules (Responsibility rules, Balance rules, Pooling rules, Pricing rules, etc.). The implementation of these business rules is flexible and can adapt over time.

The impact of a rule can vary depending on its scope, potentially affecting one or multiple journal lines of a transfer. No longer will you need to search for and manually calculate the correct rules and amounts. Once established, the rules will automatically be applied to all relevant transactions. Each transaction will clearly indicate which rules have been utilized, making monitoring a breeze.

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Allocate packaging items to the correct counterparty by setting Responsibility Rules

Whenever reusable packaging changes hands, a balance is built up with the counterparty. In most cases generic rules apply, but rules can be customized to incur balances with a different party, such as the carrier. Such deviating agreements often apply for parties working with such returnable packaging items as euro pallets and CC carts.

In PackControl you can record every responsibility rule, from generic to very specific, per counterparty or per packaging item. You set it up once and after that it will always be automatically applied to all relevant transactions. Each applied rule is visible in the transaction screen, for easy monitoring and transparency.

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Manage quantities of reusable packaging by using Balance Rules

In order to run a profitable business, you need to make optimal use of your returnable packaging. As a result, you may want to control the number of items – or their value - held by specific accounts, carriers or at specific locations (which may also be your own).

You can, for example, set the following rules:

  • Minimum quantities that always need to be in stock
  • Maximum quantities or values of items that are allowed to be held in stock
These rules can trigger notifications or entry limitations and can be used for analytics. Balance rules_XS

Automatically calculate balances for pooling packaging by setting Pooling Rules

An advantage of renting items from a pool operator is that you do not have to track a balance with your counterparty. Also the majority of pool operators work with pay-per-use contracts and therefor you do not have to keep a balance with your pool operator. However there are quite a few exceptions, which you can automate in PackControl.  

Fixed-quantity contracts

There are pool operators who make use of a fixed quantity contract (e.g. CBL Crates or Loscam pallets). Under a fixed quantity contract you will want to have a (credit)balance with the pool operator in order to know exactly how many items you are allowed to pick up. In PackControl you can easily make the correct settings for each type of exception, so the correct calculations are automatically made.

Counterparties from outside your packaging pool

If your counterparty is not a member of the pool you use (e.g. EPS, IPP, IFCO, CHEP, Loscam, LPR, etc.) your accountability towards the pool operator does not change with the transfer of returnable packaging items to that counterparty. You will need your counterparty to return the items to you. In order to monitor that, you want to register a balance with that counterparty. Use the PackControl Pooling rules to automate and correctly register such transfers. 


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Control deposit settlement by setting Financial Rules

Deposit payments for large volumes of reusable packaging will have a considerable impact on your cash flow and financial accounts. Deposits need to be calculated for the correct amount with the correct counterparty or pool operator. Incorrect calculations may cost you a lot of money. PackControl gives you full control over deposit calculations.

  • Calculate and register deposits per account or per item.
  • Match deposit calculations with your financial system so they can be invoiced correctly and timely.
  • Shift deposit responsibility between counterparties or to a pool operator (e.g. the deposit clearing option at Euro Pool System).
  • Automate exceptions if, for example, you don't generally calculate deposits, but do for certain counterparties. 

Once set, the Financial Rules will be automatically applied to the relevant transactions. In the transaction window you can easily monitor which rules have been applied. 

Monitor items that are not yet credited by the pool operator, using Effective Date Rules

Monitor items that you physically delivered to your counterparty but which have not yet been credited by your pooling operator. 

What is Effective Date Offset of pooling packaging?

The effective date offset is the number of days that go by between the physical receipt of items by your counterparty and the date they are credited to your pooling account. We also call these “delay days” or "waiting days".

In order to monitor and fully control quantities and values of your pooling packaging, you need to have a clear insight in these items, even when they are in this intermediate phase. 

These rules often apply to such returnable packaging items as CBL crates (in the Netherlands) and CHEP or Loscam pallets (in Australia). Effective date rule_XS

Calculate balances (or don't) for specific accounts or locations with Tracking Rules

In general, PackControl registers a balance with your counterparty when items are transferred between you. Tracking Rules will let you specify whether a balance is built up or not and under which circumstances. After setting the rules, they will always be automatically applied where relevant. 

 You can specify Tracking rules per (group of) item(s). For example:

  • No balance build-up with counterparties (comparable to single use items or services)
  • Build up a balance with the account, but not for a specific location
  • Build up a balance with a specific (group) of counterparties
  • Build up a balance only at your own locations

Customize settings for specific (groups of) counterparties, locations and items

Specify organization settings applying to your entire organization as well as for individual or groups of counterparties, locations and items. 

To avoid misunderstandings and uncertainty you can always see exactly which rules have been used for a transfer in PackControl.

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Easily import counterparties and items using the Startup Template

To get you going as quickly as possible, we have partnered with our users to create a Master Startup Template. This template allows for seamless integration of existing data into your new PackControl packaging administration.

It's all automated, so there's no need to manually enter items, suppliers, customers, pooling operators and carriers. After the initial import you can further enrich your data through additional data imports (e.g.  to add addresses, locations, contacts, etc. from your CRM or ERP). 

If you like, you can keep it simple. All you really need to know about a counterparty is their name and search code. All other data can be imported or manually added at a later stage if required. 

Use Upsert to correctly combine data

The word Upsert is a combination of ‘update’ and ‘insert’. If a record in your import file matches an existing record, the existing record is updated with the values in your file. If no match is found, a new record is created (inserted).

The upsert methodology is standard used in all import processes in PackControl, to make sure data from multiple sources are correctly combined. 

Use our Master Product List as a quick-start basis

The PackControl Master Product List includes nearly 200 reusable and returnable packaging items. New (pooling) items are added regularly. The items in this list can be cloned and adapted for use in your administration. Of course you can also add your own unique packaging items to your PackControl packaging registration system.

Pre-filled standard properties in the master list items make it easier to setup your packaging administration. GTIN numbers (formerly EAN codes) have been added to streamline data exchange with other software packages (incl. ERP, TMS, WMS).

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Clever data matching, even if you use different names for the same variable

Naming differences are unavoidable when you import variables from different sources (ERP, TMS, WMS, etc.). This happens for example when company names, product denominations or other variables are spelled differently or abbreviated in different systems.


Say you use an abbreviation in your ERP, the company's full name in your WMS and a slightly different spelling in your TMS. Such differences are automatically matched via the value mapping module.

Automated matching

Source values are matched using AI-like logic. PackControl's easy-to-use matching interface makes it easy to correctly and quickly match values. Once confirmed, the value mapping is used automatically in future imports.

It's not rocket science, but we’ll still help you get started

Whilst we make getting started with PackControl as easy as possible, we can imagine this is not something you do every day. Exporting and importing data, and linking internal systems with PackControl can seem like a daunting task. PackControl offers full implementation support to make sure you can make a flying start.

Personalise the user interface

Add your company logo and adapt the colours of the PackControl user interface to match your corporate identity. 

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Personalise Excel and pdf reports

Personalise Excel and pdf reports you send to your colleagues, suppliers, customers, carriers and other counterparties. Add your logo and corporate colours to add that professional feel to every overview you send.

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Personalise your login screen

Personalise the login screen to match your corporate style. 

Set up the login screen to use your own corporate colours and specify one of your own web pages as a screen feature. You can choose to show your homepage, your contact page, news items, or any other page you wish.

Counterparties you have authorised to use the Counterpart Portal to check their balances, will feel like they stay at your website whilst they log in to your PackControl environment. Login branded_NL_XS

Personalise the Counterpart Portal

Use your own corporate style and logo in the Counterpart Portal through which you can exchange information and sign off balances. Counterparties using this portal will directly recognize your organisation.

Logout to a web page you define

Personalise the log out destination of your users. If you wish, you can arrange for users to land on a predefined web page when they log out from their account. 

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Rent out reusable packaging

Whether you run a pooling packaging business, or want to rent out unused reusable packaging items during the low season, PackControl is a complete and professional tool for your rental administration.

In PackControl you can easily calculate and record rental prices, automate rules and agreements and store documentation. You will remain in full control of quantities, values and clearing of rents.

Easily manage rental contracts for reusable packaging

Register, save and manage rental contracts in PackControl. Keep them with the relevant counterparties for easy access and management.

Automate price calculations using pricing rules

Automate pricing rules and agreements. Prices you have agreed with counterparties regarding the settlement of costs or deposits can be easily registered and automated in PackControl.

Once specified, the rule will be automatically applied to all relevant transactions to calculate rents and/or deposits. The journal lines can then be imported into your financial system for invoicing.

Automated matching if your counterparty also uses PackControl

This is easy. Simply share your transfers via Data Sharing within PackControl. You can rest assured, the counterparty only sees the minimum amount of information, necessary to check and approve balances and transactions. 

Automated matching if your counterparty does not use PackControl

You can easily import the transfer overviews your counterparty sends you (.xlsx or .csv). The PackControl reconciliation administration will automatically process and match all transactions and will flag inconsistencies. 

Automated import is possible with the cooperation of your counterparty. 

Manage data sharing and mapping for automated reconciliation

Easily adjust which counterparties are allowed to view certain transactions and manage which counterparties share their data with you. The reconciliation of data is also easily set up. 

For example, through value mapping you indicate which data belong together, even if they look different.

For example, item number 1234 of your counterparty may correspond to your item ABC. You only have to make the match once and after that it works fine every time.

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Define Matching Rules

You can set unlimited Matching Rules. It makes your PackControl packaging registration system very flexible, as it doesn't matter if your counterparties use a different way of registering transactions in their packaging administration. 


Your counterparty uses the field 'Transaction number' to register an agreed reference number (e.g. the CMR number). In your own administration, this field is called 'Shipment ID'. In the Matching Rule, you can define that these fields have to match in order to properly process transactions. 

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Automate the reconciliation of packaging transactions

Based on the Matching Rules, PackControl automatically matches your transfers with those registered by your counterparties and / or pool operators. Any deviations will be automatically flagged so you can quickly take action. 

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Check deviating, flagged transactions

Transfers that do not or not fully meet one or more matching rules are placed in the Reconciliation review, in which you can check and process the transfers. 

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Set the balance lock date to block a processed period

After balance reconciliation with counterparties and pool operators, a Balance lock date can be entered. This means no further transactions can be added or changed in PackControl until this date. This ensures the agreed balance is actually fixed. 

Balance lock dates can be set for the entire administration or per individual counterparty or pool operator. 

Register packaging items individually

Register each packaging item individually to keep track and control availability, losses and costs. 

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Connect individual items to trackers (GPS, LoRaWAN, RFID), QR codes, barcodes

Connect your packaging items to trackers (GPS, LoRaWAN, RFID, etc.), QR codes or (GRAI) barcodes to add extra functionality and improve traceability of your reusable packaging. 


PackControl can connect with any tracker service provider

Link PackControl to the online portal of your tracker service provider. 

Using Deep Linking you can see the exact location of your item(s) in a single click. Depending on the tracker, tracker service providers can provide extra functionality like temperature control, humidity control and related notifications.

This functionality is especially suitable for high-value packaging items or sensitive goods. 

Tracker portal_XS
Work smarter and faster

Automating your packaging registration is the key to staying in full control of your reusable packaging. You'll make fewer mistakes and be done quicker. 

Start simple and let PackControl grow along
Maybe all you need is a replacement for your spreadsheets. No problem. In PackControl, you can easily start with the very basics. And if you want more later on, PackControl will grow along with you. 
Keep working in your own, unique way

Keep working the way you're used to. Shape PackControl around your business processes. As the world of logistics can be very complex, with lots of agreements that deviate from the standard, we have made sure you can adapt settings as much as you need without making it complex.

Choose the PackControl module that fits your business

PackControl has been developed with your business in mind. Whether you just want to replace your error-sensitive spreadsheets or want a fully automated reusable packaging system, we offer the right solution for you.

Find information on pricing and features on our Products page

Analyse data and share your insights
PackControl stores all information with regard to your packaging registration in one system. You can easily retrieve information for (management) reporting.
Minimize manual input
Yes, you can still enter data manually in PackControl. If you like. But why should you, if PackControl can do it for you? Make less mistakes and finish work way earlier. We're sure you'll like it.
Automate agreements made with counterparties and pool operators

Looking up, checking and manually applying agreements and special arrangements with counterparties and pool operators takes a lot of time. Use the PackControl business rules to apply all agreements consistently to the transactions.

Easily setup PackControl and get started quickly

Our user-friendly, automated implementation process makes it easy for you to set up your reusable packaging registration in PackControl. And that's not all: we'll help you get started, as we understand setting up a new software system is not something you do every day. 

Give PackControl your own look & feel by using your own branding

Personalise PackControl in many ways. Add your own logo and corporate colours and make your packaging registration system look like it's your own. 

Rent out reusable packaging in a professional manner

Whether you want to rent out unused packaging items, or make your business out of packaging pooling or rental, PackControl is the professional software solution to automate your pricing and processes. 

Automatically match transactions and balances with those of counterparties and pooling operators
Is it possible to automatically match your transfers and balances with the overviews your counterparties and pool operators send you? Yes, it is!
Keep track of individual items and assets
Make sure your reusable transport items are properly registered to reduce losses and costs.