
PackControl: Reusable packaging management made easy

Written by Geert Kuiper | April 15, 2022

Managing your reusable packaging can be time consuming and complex. Many companies find ways to keep track of quantities, values, locations and settlement of deposits as well as claims for lost or damaged items. Now there is a way to easily bring together all information in a single software tool: PackControl.

PackControl is a newly developed, online management software tool that combines all the packaging management tasks you can think of. You can import all existing data regarding your returnable packaging into this comprehensive system. The system has a number of benefits compared with existing solutions.

Save time

Manual data entry becomes a thing of the past with PackControl. Let carriers and counterparties approve or decline transfers in realtime. Automatically apply rules and agreements and match transfers without even looking at the statements. All you have to do, is check deviations and take action when necessary.

Less complex

Your packaging management can be very complicated. If you use multiple Excel sheets, your ERP or WMS systems and maybe more, PackControl can simplify your processes. The data you now keep in Excel sheets can easily be managed in PackControl. Processes can be automated and management systems can be interlinked to enable easy data exchange.

Manage more efficiently

If you lose track of items – especially in busy times – much more packaging items may be in circulation than is strictly necessary. PackControl lets you manage locations, quantities and transfers more easily. Plan which items are where at any time. Make sure you don’t have to buy or rent additional items. Save money by planning efficiently.

Share your work

We see managers getting stressed out as they lose track of items. At high season, there is simply no time to enter all data every day. And when people are out of the office, for business, holidays or in case of sickness, their colleagues struggle to make sense of all the different files and systems. PackControl automates your processes and is easy to understand. Keeping track takes considerably less time and you can share the work with colleagues.

If you have ever experienced losing track of reusable packaging items, you may like the completeness of the PackControl software.

All data in one place

Entering data in more than one document or system is time consuming. Retrieving information from such systems can be even more complicated. And storing data in multiple systems carries a real risk of discrepancies. How can you make sure which data are correct? By collecting all data in PackControl and integrating it with other financial, management or planning systems, you keep data in a single place. Automation significantly reduces the chance of error as there is no need to manually enter data.

Easy management reporting

If your company manages substantial amounts of reusable packaging, management may wish to keep an eye on values or quantities in circulation, as well as the annual costs of packaging. Retrieving this information for management reporting can be a lot of work. PackControl gives you full control over your data and enables easy management reporting.

Automated matching of pooling items

Manual matching of statements for pooling items is a time consuming job that is no longer necessary with PackControl. Automatically import overviews and let the PackControl system do the matching. All you have to do is get into action whenever there are deviations. And do you exchange pooling packaging items with other counterparties? PackControl makes sure credits are built up with the right parties.

Correct settlement of deposits

Deposit settlement often involves large sums of money. Are you still estimating amounts instead of correctly calculating deposit sums? PackControl automates calculation of deposits. Even settlement with different parties can be arranged in PackControl. Data can be exchanged with your financial systems for correct invoicing.

Full insight in all data

Complete insight in all data concerning reusable and even single-use packaging makes managing your packaging easy, even if you are using enormous amounts of it.

Take control of your packaging management with PackControl. Make sure you efficiently manage quantities, values, locations, transfers, claim and deposit settlement of all your reusable packaging. Even add single-use packaging to add to your efficiency. Start cutting the costs you can’t see.